Missionary to Africa


My Citizenship

My Enlightened Conscience

My Final Answer

My Incarceration

My Contempt

My Discovery

My Birth Certificate

My Hands

My Evaluation

My Reputation

My Conflviction

My Weapons

My Assessment

My Expectation

My Reaction

My Sanctification

My Open Letter
To Ted N. C. Wilson, President, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

My Righteous Indignation

My Recommended Sanctions

My Candid Comparison

My Consolation

My Cave

My Time

My Targets

My Supplication

My Contribution

My Vision

My Incarceration Revisited

My Gospel

My Solemn Fast

My Fullness of Joy

My Official Prison Release Statement

My Fast Ended

My Reminder

My Second Open Letter to Ted N. C. Wilson

My Mixture of Wrath

My Third Open Letter to Ted N. C. Wilson

My Fourth Open Letter to Ted N. C. Wilson

Commentary on "More Than A Name" -- Adventist Review Sept. 20, 2012

An Open Door

THE BOOK: Finally, Out of Darkness... Into His MarvelousLight

My Final Chapter: An exposition of Last Day Events and conclusion to the above BOOK.

THE MARK -- From the Caves to the Courts

Earth's Final Apostasy